MasterPeace around the world: Ecuador


With #MasterPeace_Around_The_World we focus on the people behind our 45+ MasterPeace clubs. We built on their ideas, hard work, and creativity and would like to share their stories with you.

Today, #MasterPeace_Around_The_World will be a bit different! Instead of a story written by our headquarters we interviewed Ligia Benitez Kiamaru from our MasterPeace Ecuador club! Read here about her passions, love for creativity and art, and her path towards transformational leadership.

  • When and why did you decide to join our MasterPeace network by founding MasterPeace Kitu-Ecuador?

In 2009 I founded Kiart, a corporation that carries out cultural and artistic projects with high social impact. In 2017 I decided to join MasterPeace with this organisation and founded MasterPeace Kitu-Ecuador, as it perfectly fits my ambitions and passions. I have been working on developing artistic and cultural projects with a social focus for over 20 years, and the mindset of MasterPeace perfectly fits these endeavors.

  • What projects are you working on at this time?

 A permanent project that we have been working on is the celebration of the equinoxes and solstices, which is celebrated every 4 months.  We organize ceremonies-rituals, and artistic events, for a cultural rescue, and promulgate the peace of our society, bringing together many people for this celebration.

Next to that we have the Festival of couples – dancing for peace, which is an event that is held in several cities. Here, we take dances of foreign cultures to share with communities that do not have access to this type of event.

With Combo de la Comunidad, we offer educational projects for vulnerable communities via workshops (arts, knowledge and crafts, communication and photography, among others) for a longer period of time.

Entrepreneurship Fair Art and Culture Rock Revolution, focuses on sharing urban cultures with the community by developing free events and activities with artists, entrepreneurs, actors and cultural and social managers.

Our last project is Fronteras de Paz, which was developed as a response on the problems that are currently happening at the borders with Colombia, the kidnappings that have occurred, the guerrilla war and conflicts in the areas close to the borders. Via educational projects and art we focus on opening dialogue within the communities and offer the youngsters some fun activities.

  • What was your favorite experience while working for MasterPeace?

During all the projects I am grateful for the smiles and generosity of all my team members and the communities involved in our projects,  they make our work bearable and beautiful.

  • What did you learn about yourself in MasterPeace?

That I am able to direct and sustain transformational leadership in the projects I work for, and that I can leave a small positive legacy in the people that I work with.

  • What would you like to say to others who are thinking of joining MasterPeace or another peace movement?

Many hands make light work!  Through the usage of wonderful tools as art, education, culture, society, politics, and sports we can create a world we want!


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